Good Heart Tech is proud to announce our latest web resource, the Nonprofit Tech Toolkit. This free guide is designed to help nonprofit organizations navigate the often-confusing world of technology and make informed decisions about the vendors, products, and technologies they use to support their missions.

Nonprofits face unique challenges when it comes to technology. They often have limited budgets, few IT staff, and complex operational needs. The Nonprofit Tech Toolkit is designed to help overcome these challenges by highlighting specific vendors, products, and technologies that can help nonprofits achieve their goals.

Our guide covers a range of topics relevant to nonprofit technology, including:

  • Email & Productivity Apps
  • Communication Apps (Telephony & Chat)
  • Customer Relationship Management Tools & Email Marketing Tools
  • Endpoint Protection (Antivirus)
  • Domain Registrar & DNS Hosting
  • Website Services
  • Task & Project Management
  • Volunteer Management
  • Payment Gateways / Donation Platforms
  • Design Tools
  • Password & Documentation System
  • Backup Software
  • Security & Compliance Recommendations
  • Source Code Management
  • Recommended Hardware

Our goal with this guide is to make technology choices easier for nonprofits by providing clear, concise information about specific products and vendors. We understand that there are countless options and small decisions when managing nonprofits, and we hope the Nonprofit Tech Toolkit will help nonprofits save time and money by making informed choices about the technologies they use.

At Good Heart Tech, we believe in giving back to the community and supporting nonprofit organizations. We hope the Nonprofit Tech Toolkit will be a valuable resource for nonprofits looking to improve their operations and achieve their missions through technology. We invite you to check out the guide and let us know what you think. If you have suggestions for additional topics or vendors to include, we welcome your feedback.